Welcome to the Pack! Joshua and Susan Citrak are a husband and wife team with a passion for Brazilian Jiujitsu. We focus on all aspects of Jiujitsu from self-defense to sport Jiujitsu, gi and no-gi. We feature both young kids, biggerkids and adult classes. All are welcome in our academy, all that is required is a desire to learn and grow. As we say, “No Ego’s or Shoes on the Mats.”

Brazilian Jiujitsu is designed so that the smaller person can successfully defend against and submit a larger person by using superior technique, leverage and weight distribution. Jiujitsu is recognized as a superior art for self-defense and its techniques are widely used in Mixed Martial Arts.

Martial arts training for kids and young adults provides them with a strong foundation for the rest of their lives. Principles such as learning discipline, over-coming obstacles, building character and being a good teammate allow them to gain confidence in themselves becoming self-motivated, respectful young people who are less likely to be bullied and more likely to be positive influences to their friends and community.

For adults, Jiujitsu can be a great way to get and stay in shape, become a part of a positive and encouraging community and challenge ones self by learning an art that you could defend yourself and family with. Both Joshua and Susan came to Jiujitsu in their late 30’s, with young children. They understand the challenges adults with families face when wanting to train and they encourage families to train together!