
What to Expect

Bring the following to your first class:

  • Gym, workout or yoga clothes (no zippers or buttons please)

  • Water bottle

  • Clean hands and feet, clipped finger and toenails

  • Signed waiver (you will do this when you come in) Younger than 18 must have it signed by a parent or guardian

  • Flip flops, Crocs or other inside only shoes

  • A great attitude ready to learn and have fun!

Please do not bring:

  • Outside food or sugary beverages

  • Jewelry, necklaces and watches must be removed before training

Kids Jiu-Jitsu

Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6pm. We emphasize discipline, coordination and body-awareness to build bully-proof, confident children though games, drilling and live sparring. Price $95/mo + one time sign up fee of $65


Wolf Pups Class

Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:15 - 6pm. We focus on movement, balance, discipline, self defense and having fun. We utilize tools like obstacle courses and body movement focused games to teach our young team members body awareness and how to gain confidence. Price $75/mo + one time sign up fee of $40.

Adults Jiu-Jitsu

Gi: Mondays and Wednesdays 6-7:30, No-gi Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-7pm. These are co-ed classes where we explore the fundamentals of Jiu-Jitsu for sport, self-defense and strength and conditioning. Price $115/mo + one time sign up fee of $65


Family Open Mat

Friday 5-7pm. Come practice the week’s techniques in open sparring. Here we free roll in timed matches as we work on our personal Jiu-Jitsu games. Stay as little or as long as you want. Co-ed.