Frequently Asked Questions

Feel at home the moment you step in to our academy

Student Responsibilities

Please bring the following to every class

  • Clean Wolfpack Gi and/or clean Wolfpack rashguard

  • Flip flops for walking around the gym (parents please assist you child in keeping track of them)

  • Water bottle

  • Clean hands and feet

  • Clipped nails

  • Do not bring outside food, candy, gum or sugary beverages

  • Please do not wear watches, rings or any other jewelry on the mats

  • Please change in the changing rooms or the bathroom, not in the high traffic areas

  • If you have a cut or scape that requires a bandaid, please make sure that it is securely taped before coming on the mats

  • Please drop your child off no earlier than 15 minutes before class and ensure they are picked up no later than 15 minutes after class ends

Updated Fees

We are a family business who depends on timely payment of membership dues and merchandise purchases.

  • All custom Gis or clothing must be paid for up front.

  • $55 for activating or pausing a membership. Once a paused membership is reactivated, student pays most recent rates, if applicable.

  • We require a 2 week notice to edit/pause/change membership status, if your dues fall within that 2 week period, you will be charged as normal.

  • A $15 late fee will be charged for any unpaid membership or invoice older that 7 days.

What is Jiujitsu?

Called “The Gentle Art,” Jiujitsu has it’s roots in Samurai Era Japan. Derived from Kodokan Judo, Jiujitsu focuses mainly on grappling, ground work and submission holds such as joint locks and chokes. There is no striking (punching, slapping, elbowing or kicking) in Jiujitsu.

Jiujitsu is a very popular and effective martial art because of the way we train. Because there is no striking, we are able to spar at full speed without hurting our training partners (though, like any sport, injuries can and do occur). Once we are in a indefensible position (checkmate) we “tap” to prevent injury. We “roll” or free spar, which simulates actual matches and self-defense scenarios.

Jiujitsu is one of the best Arts for Military and Police, due to focus on control and restrain of your opponent. Likewise, it is also a great Art for self-defense., one that you’ll always have on you and never need to reload.

Can I punch, slap, elbow or kick in Jiujitsu?

No. Doing so during trainign will get you get you removed from the academy.

What is a Gi?

The Gi or Kimono is the traditional uniform of Martial Arts. It is made of durable, lightweight cotton with foam sewn into the collar for better gripping. The Gi represents the academy and therefore should be kept clean and in good repair at all times.

What is the ranking or belt system?

Jiujitsu follows Judos traditional belt system. White-Blue-Purple-Brown-Black for adults. White-Yellow-Orange-Green for kids under 16. On their birthday, 16 year old green belts are adult blue belt eligible.

How do promotions work?

Promotions are base on time and attendance to classes. Each student is on their own path and will earn their ranks at varying timeframes. Generally, Jiujitsu ranks take much longer to achieve than Tae Kwon Do or Karate. Our academy operates on the stripe system, a “stripe” will be awarded once the Coaches deem a student ready. Four stripes equals a belt promotion. Belt promotions will occur two to three times a year.

Why do we bow?

We bow when we come on to or go off of the mat, at the beginning of class to the instructor and at the end of class to our instructor and to the masters who came before us. Bowing implies respect and invokes tradition. Martial Arts is a hierarchical system, everyone has their place, respect is earned by time on the mat and the respect a student shows for the Art, Tradition and their training partners.